Wearing sunscreen in South Africa is one of the best- and let’s face it- EASIEST ways of delaying the signs of ageing, preventing premature wrinkling, pigmentation, and most importantly protecting ourselves from skin cancer.
Sunscreen is INVALUABLE to your skin care regimen, no matter your age.
What factor SPF should I buy?
For daily use, we recommend you use at least an SPF 50. If you spend many hours outdoors, you should be going even higher. Heliocare offer an amazing factor 100 for high risk patients. As the majority of people DO NOT use as much sunscreen (in terms of reapplication) as they should, the higher SPF can be a life saver as it compensates for the lack of reapplication. How and when do I apply my SPF?

The most important factor involved in application, is that you apply your sunscreen at least 15 minutes before being exposed to the sun. The actual order of application doesn’t matter, although most people choose to apply the SPF on a clean face, after moisturising and before applying any makeup.
Heliocare stock a beautiful tinted SPF that can eliminate the need for foundation altogether!
DO I REALLY need to reapply my sunscreen every two hours?
The answer to this question (luckily), is that you really don’t need to reapply every two hours.
Sunscreen is broken down rapidly by the direct effects of exposure to the light from the sun- NOT by the passage of time.
So…. during an average work day, being indoors from 8-5, you’d probably be ok applying your high strength SPF only once or twice during the entire day. (Baring in mind exposure to blue light is also responsible for damage to our skin, resulting in pigmentation, wrinkles and other ageing effects. Blue light comes from electronic devices such as laptops, iPads and smartphones, so please make sure your SPF is medical grade and protects you from blue light too.) Heliocare 360, being a Medical Grade formula offers incredible protection from blue light as well as UVA and UVB rays, and has therefore become much loved at Body360 Medical Aesthetics.
My foundation contains SPF- do I really need to bother with extra sunscreen?

The answer to this question is. resounding YES!! If you love your skin, yes, yes yes!!! Makeup is most definitely not sufficient to protect your skin- even if it contains a high SPF. The only way it possibly could be a tiny bit effective, is if you are willing to paste an entire bottle of base on your face everyday……. I think we’d all agree that sticking to a separate SPF is a much more inviting option!👌 For the full range of Heliocare products ( both the 360 range which is available to Medical doctors only, as well as the standard Heliocare range) contact Body360 Medical Aestheitics today. We would love to help YOU, make one of the best investments possible into the health of YOUR skin!
At Body 360 Medical Aesthetics Anti-Aging & Laser Clinic, we aim to give you the latest and best that health and skincare has to offer. Cape Town
Learn More: https://www.body360medicalaesthetics.co.za