What is a Spider angioma?
A Spider angioma is red spot, which appears on the surface of the skin as a result of a collection of small, dilated blood vessels.
A spider angioma goes by several names:
• spider nevus
• nevus araneus
• vascular spider

These lesions are named after a spider, due to their characteristic appearance of a central red spot, and reddish extensions, which radiate out like a spider’s web.
What causes these lesions to form?
Spider angiomas can be caused by injury to the skin, excessive sun exposure, liver conditions, or hormonal changes.
However in the vast majority of cases the cause is not detected.
There is evidence of genetic predisposition to this condition.
Are they painful?
For most patients, a spider angioma causes no discomfort at all.The exception is lesions that are present in the legs. Theses lesions may lead to an aching leg pain or a burning sensation, in the case of prolonged standing.
Where are they found?
Spider angiomas can be found almost anywhere on the body, but are most commonly found on the face, neck, and legs, as these areas are exposed to sun.
A helpful test to aid in the diagnosis is the pressure test. When pressure is applied to the angioma, they disappear momentarily, and then reappear.
Should I be worried?........ VIEW MORE
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