Fat Freezing / Body Cavitation & Radiofrequency is a safe and non-invasive treatment
What is Cryolipolysis/ “Fat Freezing”?
Cryolipolysis, commonly referred to as “Fat Freezing”, is a safe, non-invasive treatment performed by Medical Professionals to remove localized stubborn subcutaneous fat and to promote centimeter loss.
Add on Treatments for Fat Freezing:
Add on Treatments for Fat Freezing: (Add on facial and body treatments can be done whilst you are receiving your cryolipolysis)
Chemical Peel (30min)
Chemical Peel and Jelly Mask (45 min)
Dermaplaning and Jelly Mask (45 min)
Jelly Mask (15 min)
Jelly Mask and LED Light Therapy (30 min)
Chemical Peel, Jelly Mask and Radiofrequency on face/neck (1 hour, 15 min)
LED Light Therapy (30 min)
Chemical Peel and LED Light Therapy (45 min)
Chemical Peel, Hyaluronic acid or Anti Stress Mask and Collagen Eye Pads (30 min)
Radiofrequency on 1-2 areas (30 min – 1 hour)
A series of three sessions of Cryolipolysis is recommended for maximum results. It is ideal to space these treatments out by 8 weeks.
Body Cavitation
Body Cavitation is a method of effectively reducing cellulite
and improving the integrity of the skin by obliterating the unwanted
“dimpled effect”.
Radiofrequency is a method of tightening skin, which is very effective when fat has been destroyed, and patients are left with sagging skin.
Fat Freezing:
Is Fat Freezing Painful?
Fat freezing/cryolipolysis is a pain free procedure, a numb sensation will be experienced over the area which is being treated.
Is There Downtime After a Fat Freezing/Cryolipolysis Treatment?
There is no downtime for this procedure, although side effects such as sensitivity or bruising over the treatment area may be experienced post treatment, if either of these side effects are experienced, the sensitivity will subside within five to seven days and bruising will subside within seven to fourteen days.
Can I Go Back to Work After My Treatment?
Yes, you can go back to work straight after your fat freezing/ crvolipolysis treatment as there is no downtime involved with this procedure.
How Long Will It Take for Me to See Results?
We aim to achieve a 2-3cm reduction forty five days after receiving one session of fatfreezing, it will take ninety days to see the full result of one session of fat freezing. We recommend regular exercise, following a balanced diet and a homecare product which will be recommended by our Medical Doctor and Medical Aesthetician in order for optimal results to be achieved and maintained.
Who is not a suitable candidate for Fat Freezing?
Patient's who are pregnant
Patient's suffering from Raynaud's Disease (Poor circulation)
Areas with open wounds
Patient's suffering with Sjorgen's Syndrome
Areas with Varicose Veins (impaired circulation)
For more info on how to sign up and pay over 3 months interest free:
Body 360 Medical Aesthetics Anti-Aging & Laser Skin Care Clinic Big Bay Cape Town