Lipolytic Injection

Lipolytic (fat dissolving) injections are used to successfully dissolve unwanted pockets of fat. This procedure is unique in that the fat cells are completely destroyed and not just emptied, resulting in long term results. Common areas treated include double chins, abdominal fat, thighs and buttocks.

Dr Leanne Greeff
Lipolytic Injection. Book an appointment and we can go through the options. Body360 Aesthetics Cape Town Big Bay

Lipolytic fat dissolving Injections:
Dr Leanne
Cape Town
What makes our injections unique and powerful?
Unlike non-medical/ non- prescription lipolytics, our products cause the complete break down of fat cells (lipoylsis) through the process of apoptosis.
In other words, the cell is completely destroyed due to a physiological cascade of events that leads apoptosis(complete destruction) of the fat cells. This is far superior than merely shrinking or emptying the fat cells, and then allowing the cell to easily refill, as many other products do.
Who is a good candidate?
Dr Leanne
Cape Town
This treatment is highly effective in people who are eating well and exercising, but cannot shake stubborn pockets of fat.
It is seen as a body sculpting procedure as opposed to a fat loss procedure.
It is highly effective for resistant fat collections in the face, jowls, chin & body
The volume injected is directly proportional to the volume of fat lost/destroyed.
When will I see results?
Dr Leanne
Cape Town
Results can be seen as soon as 3 days post procedure, but on average we ask our patients to wait 2 weeks for the full effect.
Please note: On average, 2-3 treatment sessions are necessary per area.
Are lipolytic injections safe?
Dr Leanne
Cape Town
This physiological process is medically tested and found to be completely safe and effective.
How do I prepare?
Dr Leanne
Cape Town
Please see our Doctor for a consult to book your procedure. The product must be ordered in fresh from our compounding pharmacy, and the amount needed is determined at the consult.
Post treatment care:
Dr Leanne
Cape Town
There will be some redness and swelling for +~48 hours post treatment, so plan your week accordingly!

- 650 South African rand
- 2,500 South African rand
- 5,000 South African rand
- 5,000 South African rand
- 5,000 South African rand